My name is Matt Balent and I began my role playing career back in 1975 when I bought a copy of Dungeons & Dragons by TSR, Inc. via mail order. I was one of the founding members of the Wayne Weregamers (Wayne State University 1978) and the Detroit Gaming Center (1980). I self published a small booklet entitled 'Weapons' in 1981 which became later became 'Weapons and Armour' published by my friend Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books in late 1981. This became a big hit for Palladium and began the 'Weapons series' of books by them throughout the 1980's.
Starting in 1982 I attended (with Palladium Books) every Gencon in Wisconsin until 1991 as well as several Origins game conventions of the time. I was also active in the Metro Detroit Gamers (MDG) group for several years in the early 1980's. I worked extensively with Palladium Books during it's early years assisting with layout, keylining, and other production tasks. I also typeset the original Palladium Role Playing Game (1982) using a Wyse-50 terminal with acoustic modem hookup.
Works published by Palladium Books
Works self published